human resource professional (online)


在线 Human 资源 Professional Training Course

Become a Certified HR Professional

Human capital is the single most important asset in any business, and human resources professionals are charged with protecting these assets. 这个100%的在线人力资源培训课程将为您准备人力资源认证协会(HRCI)提供的人力资源专业人员(PHR)和人力资源副专业人员(aPHR)认证考试。. You also will prepare for the Certified Professional (SHRM-CP) exam. By course completion, 你将在短短6个月内成为一名合格的人力资源专家.


Job Outlook for Human 资源 Professionals

美国.S. 美国劳工统计局(Bureau of Labor Statistics)估计,人力资源专家的就业增长率为8%,管理职位的就业增长率略高. 这相当于未来8年新增3.3万个工作岗位. The median human resources specialist salary is nearly $62,000, with top earners making more than $105,每年000.

Human 资源 Professional FAQs

Is Human 资源 a Good Career?

绝对. 每个组织,无论大小,都需要一个能帮助他们处理员工关系的人. A career in human resources can be whatever you make it. 有几十种专业和职业道路适合几乎任何有兴趣帮助他人,同时改善雇主和雇员之间关系的人.

Do you need a certification to work as a Human 资源 Specialist?
Does this course prepare me for certification?

是的. 本人力资源专业培训课程将为您准备人力资源认证协会(HRCI)提供的人力资源专业人员(PHR)和人力资源副专业人员(aPHR)考试。. 本课程还为您准备注册专业人员(SHRM-CP)考试. According to, 拥有PHR认证的人升职更快,平均工资为20美元,000 higher than those who do not.

Course Objectives:

  • 学习与人力资源认证协会(HRCI)和人力资源管理协会(SHRM)一致的行业公认的实践.
  • 为HRCI的人力资源专业人员或人力资源副专业人员认证做好充分准备. 您还将为人力资源管理协会的专业认证做好准备.
  • 了解与招聘和培训相关的人力资源实践和宝贵技能.
  • Gain foundational knowledge of employment laws and regulations.
  • 为战略决策制定制定保留计划和最佳实践.
  • Learn strategies for implementing retention initiatives, 远程工作, 和多样性, 股本, and Inclusion (DEI) considerations.


Prerequisites and Requirements

There are no specific prerequisites for taking this course. 然而, HRCI要求您符合以下标准之一才能参加PHR认证:

  • 1年以上人力资源专业岗位工作经验,硕士以上学历.
  • 2年以上人力资源工作经验,本科以上学历.
  • 至少四年专业人力资源工作经验,本科以上学历.
  • No HR experience is required to sit for the aPHR exam. 你需要高中文凭,但你不需要任何额外的教育.
  • 类似的, no HR experience or degree is required for the SHRM-CP exam; however, 具备人力资源实践和原则的基本工作知识,或拥有人力资源管理学术相关课程的学位.


  • INTRODUCTION TO HUMAN RESOURCES -了解人力资源领域的机会以及成功所需的技能.    
  • HR’S ROLE IN STRATEGY - Learn how to create compelling vision and mission statements, 政策, and metrics grounded in business strategy.   
  • AFFIRMATIVE ACTION - Learn the full spectrum of affirmative action, how to create an affirmative action plan, and information on the AAP you will need to know.
  • DIVERSITY, EQUITY, AND INCLUSION - Understand what diversity, 股本, 包容是什么以及为什么它在一个组织中是一件好事当你学会在你的组织中培养包容性.
  • MAKING HR DECISIONS -学习如何根据不同的公司发展战略做出决策,以及如何使用人力资源信息系统软件以及工作分析作为决策的工具.
  • 保留 -了解员工离开公司的主要原因,如何鼓励他们留下来,以及继任计划的重要性. 
  • RECRUITING AND HIRING EMPLOYEES - Understand how to write a job ad that will attract candidates, effectively review résumés, properly prepare for an interview, and formally make a job offer.
  • TRAINING PROGRAMS - Learn the basics of training, including the design, 发展, implementation, 分析, and evaluation of training 项目.
  • CREATING A HIGH-PERFORMANCE WORKPLACE - Learn how to ask employees for input and act on it, delegate authority, keep communication open, 当你努力建立一个高效的工作场所时,不断地寻求反馈.
  • APPRAISING AND IMPROVING EMPLOYEES’ PERFORMANCE - Learn the purpose of performance appraisals and the key elements. 确定影响绩效评估的最常见的偏见和错误.
  • 远程工作 - Understand the current state of remote and hybrid work. 评估远程和混合工作的最佳实践和法律考虑.
  • WORKPLACE COMMUNICATION, MOTIVATION, AND DIGITAL MEDIA -学习网络和关系建立的重要性和最佳实践. Identify different ways to improve employee motivation.
  • COMPENSATION AND BENEFITS -了解在设计薪酬和福利方案时必须考虑的所有事情.  
  • EMPLOYEE HEALTH AND SAFETY - Learn the ins and outs of complying with OSHA, protecting against workplace hazards, and investigating, 记录, and preventing accidents and employee illnesses.  
  • THE LEGAL ENVIRONMENT -了解就业法,了解平等就业机会, avoiding discrimination, and what happens when an employee files an EEOC claim.  
  • EMPLOYEE RIGHTS AND DISCIPLINE -了解保护员工权利和隐私的法律,以及如何正确地监控和记录员工的行为和纪律.
  • 调查 -了解为什么调查问题如此重要,以及有效调查的步骤,包括准备, 进行, and wrapping it up.
  • MANAGING LABOR RELATIONS -快速了解工会的历史,了解他们是如何工作的,以及员工加入工会的原因.
  • GLOBAL HUMAN RESOURCES - Understand the basics of staffing strategy, cultural differences, HR in other countries, choosing global employees, and issues faced by expatriates.
  • PREPARING FOR THE PHR EXAM -在复习PHR考试的基础知识并开始学习时,获得有关实习和实习的信息.

Registration and Enrollment

This course is 100% online. 随时开始.




安娜·史密斯在人力资源领域工作了30年,在大学任教超过20年. 她拥有斯伯丁大学工商管理学士学位, a master's degree in management from Webster University, and a Master 在线 Teaching certificate from the University of Illinois. 她也是人力资源高级认证专家和人力资源管理高级认证专家. Her experience spans many areas of human resources, including recruitment, labor relations, and affirmative action plans.

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